
Books John F. Dini Awards
Award-Winning Author

I write about the real world of business; the one where everyone isn’t a tech billionaire, and most of us work hard to run good companies. Everything I author is from an owner’s point of view, and is intended for another owner’s benefit. I consider it a a privilege to work with entrepreneurs and I love to hear about their challenges and triumphs. Who knows? Share your story and you, too might be in a book someday.

New Book Now Available!
The Exit Planning Coach™ Handbook
A Guide for Advisors to Business Owners

by John F. Dini, CExP, CEPA
Announcing the release of The Exit Planning Coach™ Handbook! This book is for every advisor who works with business owners. It describes why coaching before the sale is necessary, how working with owners is different than counseling other executives, and lays out the steps of coaching discovery that help to bring owners to better outcomes for the most important financial transaction of their lives.

Also by John F. Dini!
Your Exit Map: Navigating the Boomer Bust
A Guide to Selling Your Business in a Highly Competitive Market

by John F. Dini, CExP, CEPA
Your Exit Map is an illuminating look at America’s most entrepreneurial generation, and the impending Tsunami of business owners exiting their companies. Richly illustrated in full color with charts, graphs and iconic photos of Boomer history, it provides a detailed guide to controlling the process of a successful business transition.

Published Books:

Books John F. Dini Hunting in a Farmer's WorldHunting in a Farmer’s World: Celebrating the Mind of an Entrepreneur

“Hunting in a Farmer’s World” is the award-winning book that celebrates the differences that drive entrepreneurs. It is filled with the stories of real business owners who overcame real challenges; including those that accompany success. From the ambition that captures an entrepreneur and drives him to take the plunge of starting up, to the unexpected pitfalls of a successful transition. Hunting in a Farmer’s World examines why business owners are different from the people who work for them.

Books John F. Dini Hunting in a Farmer's World PageBooks John F. Dini Buy the Book

Books John F. Dini Hunter or Farmer?

Books John F. Dini Boomer Bust CoverBeating the Boomer Bust: How Baby Boomers Changed the Face of Business

The “Beating the Boomer Bust” eBook, is a collection of articles focused on the unique challenges facing the business community due to the large population of retiring Baby Boomer business owners. It is the product of a year of research, and of fifteen years helping business owners prepare to leave their companies. Small business owners in America are ignoring a tidal wave of change that will leave a few small businesses untouched while wiping many others from the face of the planet.

Books John F. Dini Beating the Boomer BustBooks John F. Dini Download the eBook

Books John F. Dini Baby Boomer Fun Facts

Books John F. Dini 11 Things Cover11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know About Selling Your Business

11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know About Selling Your Business is a practical, plain spoken primer on the process of marketing and selling a “Main Street” business. Owners seeking to transition need guidance before starting the sale process if they want to maximize the financial results. The process can be intimidating and complex. Using a straight forward step-by-step approach, this book provides the blueprint and tools needed to understand what it will take to prepare, market, and sell any business.

Books John F. Dini 11 ThingsBooks John F. Dini Buy the Book

Books John F. Dini Hunter or Farmer?

Contact Me About:
  • Keynote presentations to business owners of all ages, trade or professional associations and entrepreneurial groups.
  • Exit, succession and transition planning for owners who want to leave their companies with full market value, on their own schedule, and with little to no risk after their exit.
  • Coaching for professional advisors who work with transitioning Boomer owners
  • Bulk purchases of my award-winning books for entrepreneurs

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