Category Archives: Uncategorized

Employee Gratitude isn’t Loyalty

Most of us have heard something like this expression of employee gratitude. “I’ve enjoyed working here. You taught me so much, and you’ve always treated me well. But the company down the road is paying a lot more for people with my … Continue Reading

Posted in Entrepreneurship, Incentives, Leadership, Managing Employees, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Extreme Democracy

Last week the British government announced that it was naming their new scientific research ship the RSS Sir David Attenborough, acting counter to the  people’s selection of “Boaty McBoatface,” despite that name being an overwhelming 3:1 favorite over the next closest choice. … Continue Reading

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Not Just Workers…Qualified Workers

A few weeks ago I attended one of Trinity University’s Policy Maker breakfasts. Although living in a large city has its drawbacks, it is great for access to events such as these. It takes substantial ticket sales to justify top-rank speakers, … Continue Reading

Posted in Building Value, Entrepreneurship, Exit Planning, Exit Strategies, Incentives, Leadership, Managing Employees, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

My Interview with Robert Morris: Part I

Robert Morris is the number one reviewer of business books for A few weeks ago he posted a great review of Hunting in a Farmer’s World, and asked if he could interview me. Bob’s questions were really fun, and the interview … Continue Reading

Posted in Customer Relations, Incentives, John's Opinions, Leadership, Managing Employees, Sales, Strategy and Planning, Top Blog Posts, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Value of a Cleared Mind

Last weekend I missed my first weekly post in about two years. I was in Los Angeles, attending an intensive workshop for professional speakers. It was a life-resetting experience. Apologies in advance for the zillion hyperlinks, but they are all richly … Continue Reading

Posted in Business Perspectives, John's Opinions, Top Blog Posts, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Empowerment Requires Encouragement

We all want employees who are empowered to think. That doesn’t always turn out the way we hoped. Last week the news feeds carried a story about a Girl Scout in San Francisco who set up her cookie table in front … Continue Reading

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Customer Service Starts with “Hello.”

When asked what differentiates their businesses from giant competitors, most owners will describe their relationship with customers. “We give better service.” “Our employees know our customers by name.” “We treat people as individuals.” What constitutes excellent service differs by industry … Continue Reading

Posted in Business Perspectives, Customer Relations, Managing Employees, Marketing, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Small Business and Social Media II

Last week’s column generated lots of comments, and probably requires some follow up. First, the army of social media fanatics that go ballistic at any hint that SM isn’t the be-all, end-all and answer-from-above for every marketing need on the planet … Continue Reading

Posted in Customer Relations, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Sales, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Atlas Shrugged and the Imperial Presidency

“Atlas Shrugged – Part II” was released on Friday. Those of you who read this column regularly know that I’m a fan of Ayn Rand, although I place myself far short of devout Objectivism. I’ve sported “Who is John Galt?” license plate … Continue Reading

Posted in Business Perspectives, John's Opinions, Politics and Regulation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Lords of Chaos

Every business owner must be adept at dealing with chaos. Entrepreneurship demands the ability to choose a course of action when everyone else is staring into the headlights. It requires a willingness to make a decision with inadequate information, and to make new decisions … Continue Reading

Posted in Business Perspectives, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Strategy and Planning, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Hunting vs. Farming

At the family gathering, you are being introduced to a distant cousin you haven’t seen since childhood. The introduction usually includes your status as a business owner. “Do you remember little Cousin Bobby? He owns his own company now.” Or … Continue Reading

Posted in Business Perspectives, Entrepreneurship, Life After, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The (pen)Ultimate Hire

Every sane business owner will acknowledge that there is a point at which his or her own skills are no longer sufficient to grow the business beyond its current level. The revenue point where that happens differs by industry, but it frequently begins at … Continue Reading

Posted in Building Value, Entrepreneurship, Exit Options, Incentives, Leadership, Managing Employees, Uncategorized | Leave a comment